Boost SaaS customer retention

A comprehensive approach to customer retention

Customer retention is more critical than ever in today's competitive SaaS landscape and economic outlook.

Acquiring new customers is important but keeping them engaged and satisfied is the key to sustainable growth and success.

In this blog post, we will delve into key steps for both long-term and short-term customer retention, providing you with a well-rounded approach to tackle this crucial aspect of your business.

From tactical manoeuvres to strategic moves, we will cover all the essential elements needed to create a robust customer retention plan.

Moreover, we will also guide you on how to measure success, so you can continuously optimize your strategies for maximum impact.

Key strategies for long-term customer retention and churn prevention

# 1: Acquisition. Win the right customers from the get-go

  • Dig deep with comprehensive ICP research:

    • Map out the right ideal customer profile for your business by conducting internal customer research, customer interviews, positioning workshops, and competitor research.

    • Ideal customer profile (ICP) for Sales represents a company that would experience the maximum benefits from purchasing your product or service.

  • Craft unique value propositions and buyer persona-specific messaging:

    • The ICP is the broad corporate-level target, while Buyer Personas drill down further, representing specific roles within the ICP's structure.

    • Map the buyer personas and buyer journeys, activities, preferred channels, and content based on buyers’ information needs and pain points.

  • Bridge the gap: Align Sales and Marketing.

    • Create shared Marketing - Sales revenue-based KPIs, processes and SLA between the teams.

    • This way you make sure that your marketing-sales engine works seamlessly together along the customer journey to drive your prospects or trial users to customers.

The tactical approach:

  • Content planning: Content strategy based on key ICPs and buyer persona customer journeys.

  • SEO & SEM strategies based on ICPs and competitor research.

  • Optimizing the website for success: make sure it supports the customer journey.

  • Create clear sales-marketing processes that drive the customer journey seamlessly.

Measuring success:

# 2: Activation. Make the most of trials and onboarding

  • The CRM conundrum:

    • Choose the right platform based on your sales model, budget and processes.

    • Make sure that you do not have too many overlapping sales-marketing-customer success platforms in use that can hinder the 360° view of your customer journey.

  • Segment your users for success:

    • Segment your users based on ICP vertical, geography, business model and other attributes that help you best serve them based on their business needs.

    • Create ICP & buyer persona-specific trial and onboarding content, marketing automation, and workflows.

  • Build an online knowledge base:

    • Create product documentation and tutorials to help users make the most of your product.

  • Continue educating your users:

    • Provide tips, best practices, customer success stories, webinars, podcasts, training, and education.

  • Live support:

    • A necessary investment. Offer help with integrations, data imports, etc. Let generative AI solutions help your customer success team by streamlining repetitive tasks or enhancing the team’s capabilities.

The tactical approach:

  • Streamline the sign-up process.

  • Engage users from day one via automation and CSM team.

  • Guide success with product walk-throughs during the onboarding process.

  • Streamline integrations and data imports.

  • Gather feedback for continuous improvement.

Measuring success:

  • Understand your DAU and MAU.

  • Track new customers and conversion ratios.

  • Decode churn %.

# 3: Customer retention & upsell. Ensure sustainable growth with retention and upselling

  • Build a robust customer success strategy:

    • Create a customer success strategy that keeps up-to-date with customers’ growth plans.

  • Tailor your services to user behavioural stages:

    • Understand how to address the particular needs and desires of customer groups, such as how customers are using the product, how often they use it, what features they use, and how many users from the same account use it.

  • Invite customer feedback and create regular customer surveys.

    • Share the product roadmap with key customers and invite them to participate in product development.

The tactical approach:

  • Track and learn from user behaviour: Create automation and human processes to track and learn from user behaviour.

Measuring success:

  • Monitor MRR, upsell, and customer LTV.

  • Understand and improve ARPU, LTV/CAC, churn %.

  • Measure customer happiness.

Fast-track improvements and achieve quick wins

#1: Aligning teams and incentives for retention

Make a strategy shift for success:

Pricing strategy for retention:

  • Offer bundled services.

  • Customize packages for customer needs.

  • Implement pricing tiers.

#2: Achieving quick wins with marketing

Fast-track with Sales-Marketing ABM campaigns

  • Define the target accounts for the ABM campaign.

  • Create content that resonates with the buyer personas.

  • Implement 4-8 week shared Marketing-Sales campaign prints.

Website and content optimization + SEM

  • Conduct keyword analysis compared to your key competitors. Find areas where to gain authority.

  • Optimize the website buyer journey, UX and content according to your key buyer personas’ needs.

  • Implement SEM campaign optimization based on the above research.

The path to sustainable growth

Achieving sustainable growth requires a comprehensive approach to customer retention and churn prevention.

Implementing both short-term and long-term strategies can lead to significant improvements. Remember to measure KPIs continuously to ensure the effectiveness of your strategies and make necessary adjustments as needed.

Ulriikka Järvinen

4 x Tech CMO | GPT-4 | PLG | HHJ (Certified Board Member)

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Building a SaaS growth strategy


Creating an ideal customer profile (ICP) for a robust sales strategy